Like my last tactic I talked about, this one will also require driving your vehicle directly at an enemy. However, this one is a little more specific.
In order to pull of this ridiculous, last ditch, desperate attempt at what ever it is, you need to have a vehicle that has the Assault rule, preferably weak armour, one hull point left, and have the ability to tank shock or ram. So Orks and Dark Eldar stick out as immediate candidates if their vehicles have the right upgrades
Now typically troops can only disembark from a vehicle if it has moved no more than 6", but if you tank shock or ram something and happen to wreck your vehicle, the passengers must disembark regardless of how far you traveled.
So if you just so happen to Ram into something, or Tank shock someone and they Death or Glory (and if they read my last tactic, they will probably do that) and your vehicle gets wrecked, the guys can get out then assault during the assault phase.
This can also work for Non-assault unit and wanting to shoot. Since the movement of the vehicle only effects models shooting out of it, if your vehicle is wrecked from tank shock or ramming, you are free to shoot normally once you get out.
Be warned, this could backfire in your face terribly. If your vehicle is penetrated you must take a Ld test or only snap fire and then a pinning check for the vehicle getting wrecked.
Let me know what you guys think.
Until next time, keep them dice rollin.
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